New article by Maria Schreiber in “Media – Biographies – Generations”
We are pleased to highlight an exciting contribution by Maria Schreiber in the anthology “Medien – Biografien – Generationen” (edited by Christian Oggolder and Caroline Roth-Ebner). In the article “Visual biography work through the ages: Historical, theoretical and empirical reflections on the example of youthful visual practices in social media.” she examines, together with Michaela Kramer and Wolfgang Reißmann, how young people use visual practices in social media. The article sheds light on the influence of media change on personal biographies and generation-specific media practices – from a historical, theoretical and empirical perspective. The book offers valuable insights for media educators, researchers and anyone interested in the significance of media in everyday life and its consequences for media education. 📘 Further information and ordering:
Click here for the book on the Nomos Verlag website