Assoz. PD Mag.a Ricarda Drüeke

Deputy Head of Division of Publics and Inequality Research
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences
Head of the programme area Contemporary Art and Cultural Production of the intra-university institution Science and Art
Ricarda Drüeke

Room: mezzanine room 018, Rudolfskai 42, 5020 Salzburg

Office hours: Tuesday 3 – 4 p.m. (by appointment)

Phone: +43-662-8044-4147


Ricarda Drüeke is a habilitated Associate Professor at the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Salzburg, co-head of the Division of of Public Spheres and Inequalities, and co-head of the program area Contemporary Art and Cultural Production at the inter-university institution Science and Art. Previously, she worked at different locations such as Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt/Oder, Cornell University/New York State and University of Knoxville/Tennesse. She researches and teaches on inclusion and exclusion processes in and through media, digital publics (especially with a focus on protest articulations and movements as well as dynamics of outrage using the example of hate speech) as well as in the field of Gender Media Studies.

  • Digital Public Spheres and Activism
  • Protest and media
  • Public Sphere Theories
  • Inclusion and exclusion in/through media
  • Gender Media Studies
  • DGPuK – German Society for Journalism and Communication Studies
  • ECREA – European Communication Research and Education Association
  • ICA – International Communication Association

The latest research documentation can be found here.

Instructions for oral master’s examinations at Assoc. Mag.a Ricarda Drüeke – First and second exam (as of February 2021)

Examination topics:

Media and public

Inclusion and exclusion in and through the media

Media and cultural theories

Exam preparation:

The agreed-upon exam materials consist of scholarly texts (book chapters or journal articles) totaling 200 pages of text. Choose one from the three exam topics. You will choose an appropriate number of texts from the bibliography I provide in one of the three exam topics. You can exchange individual texts and replace them with your choice. Please send me a PDF version of your proposed text. Once you have made your selections, please send me your list of literature for the exam, which I will either accept or suggest some minor changes to.

Please submit a paper one week before the exam. This is to be set up as follows:

Title, author, correct bibliography

brief summary of the contents

3 to 5 theses representing your personal scholarly evaluation of the text.

Length: max. 1 page each per text.