Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rudolf Renger i. R.
Head of University Course Interpersonal Communication (MSc)
Wiss. Co-director of the university course in sports journalism

Mail: Rudolf.Renger@plus.ac.at
Dr. Rudolf Renger is a university professor at the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Salzburg. In the field of journalism research, his focus is generally on the scientific presentation of and critical reflection on journalism. This is implemented in university teaching and on an ongoing basis in third-party funded projects. In addition to the theoretical and research perspective, the transfer between science and journalistic professional practice is also a priority. In the field of interpersonal communication, he supervises a small teaching focus that teaches theories and models of IPK as well as – through external lecturers – fields of application.
- Journalism research / journalism studies
- Cultural Theories (Cultural Studies)
- Interpersonal communication
- Member of important scientific societies ( IAMCR, ECREA, DGPuK, ÖGK)
- Networking with professional practice ( ORF Landesstudio Salzburg, Salzburger Nachrichten, Der Standard, Österreichische Medienakademie -OEMA, Initiative Qualität im Journalismus – IQ, Institut für Interpersonelle Kommunikation – IPK, Fa. Komunariko u.a.)
- Österreichische Musiker-Komponisten-AutorenGilde
- Autoren – Komponisten – Musikverleger (AKM – Verwertungsgesellschaft): Tantiemenbezugsberechtigter (seit 1988)
You can find the current research documentation here.