Lunchtalk am 23. Jänner 2024
Thema: Platformed Visual Misogyny
This presentation centres on “platformed visual misogyny”, a concept I have been developing collaboratively as part of a new research network on the issue. The term assumes that affordances linked to visualities (i.e. visual platform affordances) play a significant role in how misogyny is articulated, facilitated, and spread across social media platforms. The talk draws on 4 case studies: (1) Greta Thunberg memes in the DENY Facebook group; (2) “Fanquan Girls” meme wars in the Hong Kong Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement; (3) visual artefacts shared under the Twitter hashtag #SisterIDoBelieveYou; and (4) cartoons of Grace Mugabe relating to presidential succession produced in seven African countries.
Vortragende: Suay Özkula
Termin: 23. Jänner 2024 12:00 bis 13:00 Uhr HS 386